Rachel Ray NAILS it, I cut back a bit on the cheese (using what is below not in the book) and used veggie broth.
1 large head cauliflower
1 cup vegetable stock
2 TBS butter
3/4 cup shredded white cheddar
1/4 cup shredded Parmesan Reggiano
Salt and Pepper
In a sauce pan, place cauliflower, cover with broth and then bring to a boil, cover and simmer 8 minutes.
Remove top then allow to cook on medium high two more minutes or so to reduce the sauce. Add butter and cheese and smash to the consistency of mashed potatoes.
Season with salt and pepper and eat!
YUM YUM YUM. I found that I had a bit to much juice in mine but WOW the flavor was KILLER!
We had this with London Broil with Steak Sauce Gravy, and sauted spinach.
This AND the London Broil below look totally scrumptious!:)