My first time ever consuming this wonderful type of squash, fresh out of Grammie's garden.
Bare with me I sort of just threw things together
1 acorn squash halved, seeded. Baked, cut side down for 25 minutes at 375*F
1/2 cup uncooked wild and brown rice (I used "Goose Valley Fusion")
1/2 stalk celery, diced
1/4 onion, diced
1 clove garlic, diced
1/2 carrot, diced
handful walnuts, diced
Seasonings to taste:
Cook wild rice in double the water. Saute onion till soft, then remaining vegetables..
Once cooked to "crisp tender" remove, toss with rice, seasonings and walnuts. Scoop into squash halves and bake another 10 minutes. (optional addition would be a bit of non-dairy butter under the rice.
Drizzle a small amount of maple syrup over.
Next time I think I will scoop a little cooked squash out and mix with rice mixture. Very good and very filling!
Oh man, now that looks to die for! I absolutely LOVE squash! Looks like a lunch (or dinner) waiting to happen:)